held a meeting with stakeholders to respond to the call from the community members on the crossing of Dyeke rehabilitation in Detwok county, Aburoc Payam.

After the meeting, stakeholders have agreed to collectively participate in the rehabilitation of the crossing Dyeke since it is a community priority at this critical time of need. The community had agreed to contribute materials and manpower. Rehabilitation of the crossing Dyeke was completed with all community members’ participation. And we also agreed to plan for the river/swamp clearance from Kodok to Aywok Wangen Village. The river/swamp plays a very important role in the community in terms of accessibility. When a person feels sick or has a problem in delivery, there is no way to take the needed person for help.

The river also plays an important role in facilitating the movement of people and deliveries of services and goods to the communities that are in need. At the time of the rehabilitation of the Dyeke, the biggest difference for people’s everyday lives was that the community members/beneficiaries of the project were able to use the crossing successfully after rehabilitation without any difficulties. People with disabilities, sick people, and expectant mothers were able to use the Dyeke safely. Before the Dyeke rehabilitation, crossing this seasonal swamp used to be very difficult due to the level of water in this season.

  • Due to the flooding effects in the area, the old Dyeke has been surrounded by water, making crossing more difficult.

Unfortunately, the level of water has rapidly increased by 100% above the constructed dyeke, and the dyeke is now under water, making the communities’ lives more difficult in terms of crossing the river.

Before the flooding occurred, this swamp used to be a seasonal swamp, but now it has turned into a big river. The communities are now appealing to the government and the NGOS to come to their rescue by providing them with locally made canoes. With these examples, on the crossing of Dyeke rehabilitation, the beneficiaries were very disappointed when they saw that crossing Dyeke had been completely destroyed by the water, Alwong. Adwok She stated that it used to be simpler to cross to the other side of town and purchase necessities.But now she is not able to cross easily and timely to get what she wants from the market as before. People with disabilities and all vulnerable groups were upset to hear that the Dyeke rehabilitation center had been destroyed by water. They said they are not able to cross and have access to other basic needs from the other side of the town as before. And with their vulnerabilities, their lives have been made harder.

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