Our focus is centered around the following areas; safe water and Sanitation, Improved access to affordable and reliable health services, education, Access to Justice, food security and livelihood.


To promote and improve the health and wellbeing of local communities by pursuing an integrated socio-economic approach, access to resources and enable them to achieve their full potential.


A society free from poverty.

It is instructive to note that NRDC’s perspective on poverty is broad-based; it entails intellectual poverty, economic hardship, health poverty, and indeed, environmental poverty, with protection integrated into all NRDC’s programs.


Building Resilience and Empowering communities

Core Values

To implement evidenced based projects that adheres to international standards, through transparency, accountability with aim of attaining sustainable impacts.

we seek to provide humanitarian assistance to communities affected by disasters and conflicts while partnering with the local government for long-term solutions to alleviate poverty.

HAVE is motivated by the potential in Children, women, youth and the elderly; we optimize their role to foster peaceful co-existence and economic empowerment in areas we operate around the country.