Water and sanitation

To survive, families may be forced to drink dirty water, putting them at risk of waterborne diseases such as cholera and diarrhea, which remain the leading causes of death among children in South Sudan. The situation is further aggravated by poor hygiene practices. Only 10% of the population has access to better sanitation.

This will be achieved through the following strategy initiatives

  • Sensitization and awareness creation on waterborne diseases and hygiene promotion.
  • Community mobilization
  • Encourage multi-stakeholder participation in decision making around WASH.
  • Linkages of cross cutting issues. (Health, Hygiene and sanitation, Food security and livelihoods, protection, Gender).

water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)

“Poor health” in this context means mainly the use of unsafe and unclean water, which is a focal point for both humans and animals. Its ingredients can be seen all around us. Animals and humans use the same source of water from streams and ponds. Low awareness of these issues, as well as perceptions of the target population about the causes and their effects on people’s lives, continue to be major issues.

The following causes and effects were created by the Innovative Development Initiative:

  1. Low awareness of good hygiene practices
  2. Poor hygiene promotion
  3. Inadequate sanitary inspections
  4. Use of water from streams and ponds shared with animals for domestic use
  5. inadequate sanitation facilities.
  6. Untrained Hygiene Promoters
  7. Inadequate planning for hygiene promotion
  8. Inadequate involvement of partner organizations
  1. Poor Health of the Community
  2. Increased morbidity 
  3. increased community medical costs.
  4. increased water and sanitation-related diseases and deaths. 
  5. high levels of poverty.

Areas of focus

Have access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.

Conduct day-long training of social mobilizers/volunteers in the target areas on AWD/cholera preventive and control.

  • Intensive awareness raising, including demonstrations on critical practices in the community, schools, and market places by hygiene promoters
  • Conduct Public rallies on cholera, including clean-up campaigns in target locations
  • Orientation and training of community leaders, teachers, church leaders, and PTA members on cholera prevention and control.
  • The Innovative Development Initiative will also train young men and women as hand pump mechanics in collaboration with the Directorate of Water in Kapoeta State.
  • The Innovative Development Initiative will focus on increasing access to water through the rehabilitation and maintenance of broken down boreholes in any of the states.
  • Health behavior change communication techniques will also be employed to affect change on a wider level and build the capacity of the state and county staff to continue with awareness.