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National Relief and Development Corps

Food security and livelihood

The food security situation in South Sudan continues to deteriorate due to conflict-driven displacement and low Crop production, the economic crisis, climatic shocks, and humanitarian access issues are all posing challenges. The NRDC has a In partnership with Dan Church Aid and the German Federal Foreign Office (Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH)). We have so far reached more than 30,000 HH since our inception in the upper Nile.

The goal is to save lives, improve access to basic services, and restore living conditions in conflict and climate-affected areas. The shock affected vulnerable people and communities in South Sudan.

Strategic Objectives

Provide food assistance to prevent famine and improve food consumption, dietary diversity and coping strategies for vulnerable populations (IN IDPs Camps) through unconditional and unrestricted cash assistance.

Enhance food production through complementary vegetable seeds, crop seeds and fishing kits.

Reduce dependency on food and agricultural inputs to support and strengthen households’ ability to absorb shocks through support to Income generating activities (IGA), Village Savings and Loans association (VSLAs), and asset rehabilitation through cash work, and producer groups

Capacity building trainings on value addition and marketing, Community managed disaster risk reduction (CMDRR), support to seed fairs using locally sourced seed and seed security.

Multiplication strengthening/ Support market functionality e.g., assist traders to re-supply markets/ local procurement

Areas of focus

  • Crop diversification
  • Vegetables growing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Livestock entrepreneurship or livestock marketing
  • Advocate for the supply of animal drugs.
  • Advocate for the construction of local dams and the drilling of boreholes.
  •  Help to keep the peace during livestock marketing.
  • Distribution of tools and seeds
  • Personal hygiene for livestock product marketers (milk and meat)
  • Establishment of demonstration farms
  • Emergency disaster and relief programs