Who we are

National Relief and Development Corps (NRDC) is a registered national multi-sectoral NGO, was founded in 2001 by South Sudanese in Nairobi- Kenya; the organization started operating in Upper Nile state in 2003 and later Central Equatoria. NRDC comprises of local networks of young women and men from conflict, post- conflict and vulnerable communities of South Sudan. Presently, NRDC operates in the states of Upper Nile, Rumbek and Central Equatoria and has a head office in Juba Thongpiny, Kololo Road opposite TM Lion Hotel with sub-offices in Malakal, Kodok, Aburoc and Tonga. The founders of NRDC share similar challenges, inspirations, values as well as a common destiny and have founded the organization as a vehicle to bring forth meaningful change both among the membership as well as the wider South Sudanese society bedeviled by years of conflict, marginalization and a host of vicious emergencies! We believe that, in spite of the present chaos and hopelessness in the country, South Sudan will – once again – emerge as a land of immense wealth, justice and lasting peace.

Our Approaches

We acknowledge that communities have better solutions to the challenges that face them. We believe in listening and recognizing community challenges, empowering them and enhancing their capacities to effectively break the interlocking poverty trap. We adopt the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework to stimulate dialogue with communities about underlying factors that perpetuate poverty and enter consensus on how to eliminate vulnerability, illiteracy, exclusion and powerlessness.

For our work to make the best possible contribution in tackling poverty and free community of poverty and violence, the programs we deliver are of the highest quality. They are based on research and solid evidence, adhere to global standards and be subject to vigorous measurements. Delivering high quality programs depends on our staff using robust processes to manage every aspect of our operations and program work for the organizational reputations of quality.

We believe in partnering with Government (line Ministries), donors, communities, corporate and other humanitarian and development actors in order to effectively achieve our mission and vision. This means combining our expertise to improve health and save lives of people affected by poverty or disaster in order to reach their full potential.